My research, using the ten hundred most common words

A while ago, I ran across the famous XKCD comic, Up Goer Five.  That comic inspired the namesake text-editor, which makes for a very interesting communicative challenge.  Being a fan of unique ways to communicate science to the masses (e.g. The Tiny Transactions of Computer Science), I took the time to write down what my thesis work aims to achieve using the ten-hundred most common words:

Computers can tell stories, but they can’t see what goes on inside your head; more to the point, a computer can’t see what you remember, which is actually a key part of how well you enjoy a story. My work deals with finding out what you remember from a story as you are reading it. I will then get a computer to track what you remember, so it can change the story on the fly to give you a great one. My work can be used in both usual stories, and in games.

I submit this to Ten Hundred Words of Science, and I encourage you to do the same.

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